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May 02 - May 05, 2024

2024 California Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting

Coronado, CA



4000 Coronado Bay Rd, Coronado, CA 92118

Faculty and Moderators

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4000 Coronado Bay Rd, Coronado, CA 92118

07.00AM - 07.30AM
Session Files
07.30AM - 07.50AM
Good & Bad Reports
07.50AM - 08.10AM
Perspective from a New Judge
08.10AM - 09.10AM
Why do Attorneys Differ on Disability Issues?
08.10AM - 08.40AM
How do Judges Decide Who's Correct?
08.50AM - 09.10AM
Discussion with Experts on Tough MSK Cases
09.10AM - 09.20AM
Hip FAI Labral Repair+OA
09.20AM - 09.40AM
Shoulder /Knee Case
09.40AM - 10.10AM
Break With Exhibitors
10.10AM - 11.30AM
Medical Legal Report Writing - How to Improve Your Report
10.10AM - 11.00AM
COA Medical-Legal Template
11.00AM - 11.30AM
The Role of AI in Writing Medical-Legal Reports
11.30AM - 12.00PM
12.00PM - 12.30PM
How We Are Making it Easier to Write a Medical-Legal Report
12.30PM - 01.30PM
Anti-Bias/Harassment Training
01.30PM - 02.30PM
Review of Important Workers' Comp Case Law with Surgeon Input on How and When to Apply the Case
02.30PM - 03.00PM
New Priorities at the DWC
03.00PM - 03.30PM
Break with Exhibitors
03.30PM - 04.15PM
Apportionment and Causation Issues
04.15PM - 05.00PM
How They Differ and Why Both Are Equally Important
05.00PM - 06.00PM
Tips and Pearls - Working in the Medical-Legal System
05.00PM - 05.30PM
Surgeon Tips: Late Records, Malingers, Supplemental Report Requests, Additional Diagnostic Imaging
05.30PM - 06.00PM
Interpreting Nerve Conduction/EMG Tests
07.00AM - 07.30AM
Session Files
07.30AM - 08.00AM
Exhibitor-Sponsored Educational Session: Nerve Grafting
08.00AM - 09.00AM
Radiation Safety in Orthopaedics
09.00AM - 10.15AM
PROMs - Value for Every Practice
09.00AM - 09.30AM
Practical Tips for Incorporating Patient Reported Outcomes into Routine Clinical Practice
10.15AM - 11.15AM
Wellness - Finding Joy in Practice
10.45AM - 11.15AM
Moral Injury in Corporatized Medicine
11.15AM - 11.45AM
Break with Exhibitors
11.45AM - 12.00PM
Advocacy - Why is Advocacy So Critical?
MOD: ,
12.00PM - 12.15PM
Advocacy Beyond Personal Politics
Session Files
12.15PM - 12.30PM
12.30PM - 01.00PM
Exhibitor-Sponsored Luncheon Session
01.00PM - 01.30PM
How to Position your Practice to Participate
01.30PM - 02.00PM
Embracing the Novice Mentality
Session Files
02.00PM - 02.30PM
What to Expect if you Volunteer in a Medical Emergency
02.30PM - 03.00PM
An Insiders’ Viewpoint of Sacramento
03.00PM - 03.30PM
What's Going on in DC? AMA/AAOS Update
MOD: ,
Session Files
03.30PM - 04.00PM
Break with Exhibitors
04.00PM - 05.00PM
Artificial Intelligence in the Orthopaedic Practice
04.00PM - 04.15PM
AI Applied to Artificial Intelligence in Orthopedics: Most Promising Applications and How to Incorporate them into your Practice
04.30PM - 04.45PM
Evolution and Impact of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
05.00PM - 05.45PM
Educational Breakout Sessions
05.00PM - 05.10PM
05.10PM - 05.20PM
Artificial Intelligence for the Medical Professional, the Good and the Bad. The Truth About AI.
05.20PM - 05.30PM
QME Curious
05.30PM - 05.40PM
The Process of Dropping out of Medicare - Steps to Take What You Need to Provide to Patients
05.40PM - 05.45PM
The Future of Women in Orthopaedic Surgery
05.45PM - 06.30PM
Resident Rumble
Exhibitor Raffle / Adjourn
06.00AM - 07.00AM
5K Harbor Fun Walk & Run
07.00AM - 07.30AM
Breakfast/Networking with Exhibitors
Session Files
07.30AM - 08.00AM
Bridge-Enhanced ACL Repair (BEAR®): A Promising Alternative to ACL Reconstruction
Session Files
07.30AM - 09.00AM
Connecting with Athletic Trainers Breakfast
Aurora Room
08.30AM - 09.30AM
Joint Preservation 2024: Understanding and Treating the Osteochondral Unit
08.30AM - 08.45AM
Subchondral Bone Injury: Implications for Cartilage Health and Treatment Options
09.15AM - 09.30AM
Current Concepts in Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Fresh Osteochondral Allograft for Simple to Complex Cartilage Defects
09.30AM - 10.00AM
Break with Exhibitors
11.30AM - 12.00PM
Challenging Shoulder Cases - Tendon Transfers
Session Files
12.00PM - 01.00PM
Resident Round Table Discussion
12.15PM - 12.30PM
A Different Perspective on Practice Models: How to Compare Private, Academic, Employed and Kaiser Jobs in California
12.30PM - 12.45PM
Finding and Evaluating Jobs: How to Compare Apples with Oranges
12.45PM - 01.00PM
Starting off Strong in Practice: Making the Most of Hospital Call, Online Marketing, Outreach to Urgent Care & More…
COA Golf Tournament - Coronado Golf Course
COA Scavenger Hunt
A Night in Venice & Gondola Rides
Loews Hotel
07.00AM - 07.30AM
Breakfast/Networking with Exhibitors
Session Files
09.00AM - 10.00AM
COA Resident Awards - Clinical Papers
09.37AM - 09.41AM
09.41AM - 09.45AM
Patient Likelihood to Repeat Surgery after Highly “Successful” Hand Procedures
09.49AM - 09.53AM
Economic and Social Adverse Social Determinants of Health and Race are Independent Predictors of Reduced Operative Management for Distal Radius Fractures in the Medicare Population
09.53AM - 10.00AM
Ten-Year Outcomes of Cervical Disc Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: a Systematic Review With MetaAnalysis
10.00AM - 10.30AM
Break with Exhibitors
11.00AM - 12.00PM
Trauma: Getting Through the Night
11.00AM - 11.15AM
11.30AM - 11.45AM
Update on Distal Femur Fractures
11.45AM - 12.00PM
Adjourn - Exhibit Hall Raffle - Final Prizes
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