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Updated: Jun 20 2024

Statistic Definitions

  • Introduction
    • This topic covers a variety of statistical principles used in research and study design
  • Measure of Central Tendency
    • Mode
      • defined as the value that occurs most often
      • best for data which is allocated into distinct categories (nominal data)
    • Median
      • defined as the value that occurs at the middle of all values of the variable (half are greater, half are less)
      • not affected by extreme values
      • good for all levels of measurement except nominal data
      • especially good for skewed distributions
    • Mean
      • defined as arithmetic average
      • the most frequently used measure of central tendency
      • uses all values of data
      • highly sensitive to extreme values (especially skewed distributions)
  • Sensitivity
    • Definition
      • probability that test results will be positive in patients with disease
    • Equation
      • sensitivity = a / (a + c) or
      • sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)
    • Relevance
      • sensitive tests are useful for screening since they are unlikely to miss a patient with disease
    • Example
      • a new test is developed to quickly diagnose HIV. There are 10 patients in the study group with the disease. Upon testing of all 10 patients, only 6 results return positive. What is the sensitivity of the new test?
      • solution
        • sensitivity = a / (a + c)
        • sensitivity = 6 / 10
        • sensitivity = 60%
      • Disease Positive
      • Disease Negative
      • Test Positive
      • (a) true positive = 6
      • (b) false positive 
      • Test Negative
      • (c) false negative = 4
      • (d) True negative 
      • TOTAL
      • a + c = 10
      • b + d
  • Specificity
    • Definition
      • probability test result will be negative in patients without disease
    • Equation
      • specificity= d / (b + d) or
      • specificity = TN / (FP + TN)
    • Relevance
      • specific tests are useful for confirmation as they don't result in treatment of an unaffected individual
    • Example
      • in a population of 90 patients who are disease free, a test incorrectly diagnoses 5 patients with disease. What is the specificity of this test?
      • solution
        • specificity = d / (b + d)
        • specificity = 85 / 90
        • specificity = 94.4%
          Disease Positive
          Disease Negative 
          Test Positive
          (a) true positive
          (b) false positive = 5
          Test Negative
          (c) false negative 
          (d) true negative = 85
          a + c
          b + d (90)
  • False Positive Rate
    • Definition
      • patients without the disease who have a positive test result
    • Equation
      • false positive rate = b / (b + d)
        Disease Positive
        Disease Negative
        Test Positive
        (a) true positive
        (b) false positive
        Test Negative
        (c) false negative
        (d) true negative
  • False Negative Rate
    • Definition
      • patients with disease who have a negative test result
    • Equation
      • false negative rate = c / (a + c)
        Disease Positive
        Disease Negative
        Test Positive 
        (a) true positive 
        (b) false positive
        Test Negative
        (c) false negative
        (d) true negative
  • Positive Predictive Value
    • Definition
      • probability patient with a positive test actually has the disease
      • dependent on prevalence of disease
    • Equation
      • PPV = a / (a + b) or
      • PPV = TP / (TP + FP)
    • Example
      • you are evaluating a new serum diagnostic test for Lyme disease that claims sensitivity 90% and specificity 0f 95%. The prevalence of Lyme disease is known to be 10% in late spring in the study of patients who present with fever, arthralgias, and rash.
      • solution
        • PPV = a / (a + b)
        • PPV = 9 / (9 + 4.5)
        • PPV = 67%
        • use sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence to calculate the quadrants
          Disease Positive
          Disease Negative
          Test Positive
          (a) true positive = 9
          (b) false positive = 4.5
          Test Negative
          (b) false negative = 1
          (d) true negative = 85.5
          a+c = 10
          b+d = 90
  • Negative Predictive Value
    • Definition
      • probability patient with a negative test actually has no disease
      • dependent on prevalence of disease
    • Equation
      • NPV = d / (c + d) or 
      • NPV = TN / (FN + TN)
    • Example
      • 200 patients are enrolled in a study to evaluate the accuracy of a ELISA-based test for the diagnosis of influenza. 100 patients were diagnosed by the gold-standard method. 80 of the patients with influenza had a positive ELISA-based test as did 5 of the patients without influenza. What is the negative predictive value of this test?
      • solutionNPV = TN / (FN + TN)
      • NPV = 95 / (20 + 95)
      • NPV = 83%

        Disease Positive
        Disease Negative
        Test Positive
        (a) true positive = 80
        (b) false positive = 5
        Test Negative(c) false negative = 20
        (d) true negative = 95
  •  Likelihood Ratio
    • Definition
      • likelihood that a given test result would be expected in a patient with the target disorder compared to the likelihood that that same result would be expected in a patient without the target disorder
    • Classification
      • positive likelihood ratio
        • definition
          • describe how the likelihood of a disease is changed by a positive test result
        • equation
          • positive likelihood ratio = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
      • negative likelihood ratio
        • definition
          • describe how the likelihood of a disease is changed by a negative test result
        • equation
          • negative likelihood ratio = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity
  • Incidence
    • Definition
      • number of newly reported cases of a disease in specific time period per unit measurement of population
  • Prevalence
    • Definition
      • the total number of cases of a disease present in a location at any time point
    • Determined by performing cross-sectional studies
  • Relative Risk
    • Definition
      • risk of developing disease for people with known exposure compared to risk of developing disease without exposure
        • obtained from cohort studies
        • when RR > 1, the incidence of the outcome is greater in the exposed/treated group
    • Equation
      • incidence risk of YES = a / (a + b)
      • incidence risk of NO =c / (c + d)
      • relative risk = [(a / a + b)] / [(c / c + d)]
        Disease Status
        No c d
    • Example
      • a study is performed concerning the relationship between blood transfusions and the risk of developing hepatitis C. A group of patients is studied for three years.
        Disease Status
        Hepatitis C
        No 16 712
  • Odds Ratio
    • Definition
      • represents the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds that the outcome will occur without the exposure
        • obtained from case-control studies (retrospective)
        • also obtained from the output of logistic regression models
      • odds ratio's approximate RR when the outcome is rare (usually defined as <10%)
    • Equation
      • OR = (a x d) / (b x c)
        Disease Status
        No c d
    • Example
      • a study is performed concerning the relationship between blood transfusions and the risk of developing hepatitis C. A group of patients is studied for three years.
      • Disease Status
        Hepatitis C
  • Number Needed to Treat
    • Definition
      • number of patients that must be treated in order to achieve one additional favorable outcome
    • Equation
      • number needed to treat = (1 / absolute risk reduction)
    • Example
      • you learn the number-needed-to-screen with FOBT is nearly 1000 to prevent colon cancer. What is the absolute risk reduction associated with FOBT?
      • solution
        • absolute risk reduction (ARR) = 1 / number needed to treat
        • ARR = 1 / 1000
        • ARR = .1%
  • Post-test Odds of Disease
    • Equations
      • post-test probability = (pretest probability) X (likelihood ratio)
        • likelihood ratio = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
        • pre-test odds = pre-test probability / (1 - pre-test probability)
      • post-test probability = post-test odds / (post-test odds + 1)
  • Power
    • Definition
      • an estimate of the probability a study will be able to detect a true effect of the intervention
      • a power analysis to determine sample size should be performed prior to initiation of the study
    • Equation
      • power = 1 - (probability of a type-II, or beta error)
  • Effect size
    • Definition
      • magnitude of the difference in the means of the control and experimental groups in a study with respect to the pooled standard deviation
  • Variance
    • Definition
      • an estimate of the variability of each individual data point from the mean
  • Type II Error (beta)
    • Definition
      • a false negative difference that can occur by
        • detecting no difference when there is a difference or
        • accepting a null hypothesis when it is false and should be rejected
    • Equation
      • power = 1 - (type-II error)
    • Clinical significance
      • a study that fails to find a difference may be because
        • there actually is no difference or
        • the study is not adequately powered
  • Type I Error (alpha)
    • Definition
      • rejecting a null hypothesis even though it is true
    • Clinical significance
      • by definition, alpha-error rate is set to .05, meaning there is a 1/20 chance a type-I error has occurred 
    • Related principle
      • Bonferroni correction
        • post-hoc statistical correction made to P values when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously on a single data set
  • Confidence Interval
    • Definition
      • the interval that will include a specific parameter of interest, if the experiment is repeated
      • 95% and 99% most commonly used 
        • 95% calculated based on mean +/- 1.96 standard deviations
          • most commonly used by convention
        • 99% calculated based on mean +/- 2.58 standard deviations
    • Clinical significance
      • Infers statistical significance, precision of findings, and clinical difference
  • Statistical Inference
    • Definition
      • used to test specific hypotheses about associations or differences among groups of subjects/sample data
    • Classification
      • parametric inferential statistics
        • continuous data that is normally distributed
      • nonparametric inferential statistics
        • continuous data that is not normally distributed (skewed)
        • categorical data
    • Study types
      • when comparing two means
        • Student's t-test
          • used for parametric data
        • Mann-Whitney or Wilcoxon rank sum test
          • used for non-parametric data
      • when comparing proportions
        • chi-square test
          • used for two or more groups of categorical data
        • Fisher exact test
          • used when sample sizes are small or
          • number of occurrences in a group is low
      • when comparing three or more groups
        • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
          • one-way ANOVA for one independent variable and two-way ANOVA for two independent variables
          • data must be normally distributed
      • Choosing the Right Test
      • Comparison
      • Parametric
      • Nonparametric
      • Continuous Data
      •      Two groups
      • Paired
      • Dependent (paired) t-test
      • Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
      • Unpaired
      • Independent t-test
      • Mann-Whitney U test
      •        Three or more groups
      • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
      • Kruskal-Wallis test
      • Categorical data
      •        Two or more variables
      • Chi-square
      • Chi-square
      •        Two or more variables (when the sample size is small)
      • Fisher exact test
      • Fisher exact test
  • Funnel Plot
    • Definition
      • is a simple scatter plot of the intervention effect estimates from individual studies against some measure of each study’s size or precision and is used to detect publication bias in meta-analyses
    • Clinical Significance
      • this method is based on the fact that larger studies have smaller variability, whereas small studies, which are more numerous, have larger variability. Thus the plot of a sample of studies without publication bias will produce a symmetrical, inverted-funnel-shaped scatter, whereas a biased sample will result in a skewed plot.
  • Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
    • Definition
      • a graphical representation of the diagnostic ability of different tests
      • used to determine responsiveness
    • Variables
      • False positive rate (1 - specificity)
        • is plotted on the x-axis
      • True positive rate (sensitivity)
        • is plotted on the y-axis
    • Interpretation
      • Area under the ROC curve (C-statistic)
        • used to compare different tests, higher C-statistics mean better diagnostic ability of test
          • an area under the ROC curve of 0.5 is a useless test
  • Survivorship Analysis
    • Overview
      • often used to measure success of joint replacements
      • analyzes data from patients with different lengths of follow-up
        • for analysis, it is assumed that all patients had their operation simultaneously
      • chance of implant surviving for a particular length of time is calculated as the survival rate
        • calculation method is either life table or product limit method
      • May be analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method
      • Life table method
        • annual success rate, determined from the failure rate, is cumulated to give a survival rate for each successive year, this can change only once per year
      • Product limit method
        • same as life table method, but the survival rate is recalculated each time a failure occurs
  • Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID)
    • The difference in outcome measures that will have clinical relevance
    • Difficult to study and measure, very few outcome tools have established and universally accepted MCID
    • Helps to reconcile the statistical significance and clinical relevance of study results that use outcome tools
  • Repeated Measurement Reliability
    • Interrater/interobserver Reliability
      • A measurement of the degree of agreement between two or more assessors
      • Measured with Cohen's kappa
    • Intrarater/intraobserver Reliability
      • A measurement of the reliability of a single assessor making multiple measurements/observations of a single subject
      • Measured with Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
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