• We report the functional and radiographic results of 16 patients with fracture-dislocations of the ring and little finger carpometacarpal joints and 23 cases with fracture-dislocations of only the little finger carpometacarpal joint treated between 2006 and 2012. The above two cohort populations of patients were treated with either open reduction and pin fixation or closed reduction and pin fixation. These patients were followed for a mean of 13 months (range 9 to 48). The DASH scores for patients with fracture-dislocations of the ring and little finger carpometacarpal joints were 6.0 and of the little finger carpometacarpal joint 7.2. We found no functional differences in term of DASH scores after treatment between patients with fracture-dislocations of only the little finger carpometacarpal joint and both the ring and little finger carpometacarpal joints.