• To describe the incidence of bony lesions accompanying chronic anterior shoulder instability using fluoroscopically controlled radiography.
    • Case series of radiographic findings of patients with chronic anterior shoulder instability.
    • Radiographs of 160 shoulders in 156 patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability were retrospectively evaluated; 132 shoulders had experienced recurrent dislocations, 18 shoulders had experienced recurrent subluxations, and 10 shoulders showed evidence of anterior instability at arthroscopy despite no reported history of instability. Fluoroscopically controlled radiographic views included an anteroposterior view with the humeral head in 3 rotations and a glenoid profile view with a comparison view of the contralateral shoulder.
    • A humeral impaction fracture was identified on the anteroposterior radiographs in 117 of 160 shoulders (73.1%). The glenoid profile view showed an osseous lesion of the glenoid in 126 of 160 shoulders (78.8%). The anteroposterior radiograph showed an osseous lesion of the glenoid in an additional 13 shoulders (8.2%). Overall, an osseous lesion, either humeral or glenoid, was identified in 152 of 160 shoulders (95.0%).
    • This study shows the frequent presence of bony lesions in patients with anterior shoulder instability.