• The appropriate treatment of pulseless pink supracondylar humerus fractures (SCHF) remains controversial. In this study, the outcomes of two treatment approaches (with and without vascular surgery) were compared.
    • This was a retrospective multicenter study of patients with pulseless pink SCHFs treated in ten pediatric surgery, trauma, or orthopedics departments in the Czech and Slovak Republic between 2014 and 2018.
    • Of the total 3608 cases of displaced SCHF, 125 had the pulseless pink SCHF. Of those, 91% (114/125) did not undergo vascular surgery and 9% (11/125) underwent vascular surgery. The patients who did undergo vascular surgery had radial artery pulsation restored more frequently in the operating room (73% vs. 36%; p = 0.02), within 6 h (91% vs. 45%; p = 0.004), and within 24 h of surgery (91% vs. 57%; p = 0.05). However, 72 h after surgery, there was no significant difference in palpable radial artery pulsation between the vascular surgery and the non-vascular surgery groups (91% vs. 74%; p = 0.24). Additionally, no significant differences in long-term neurological (9% vs. 22%; p = 0.46) or circulatory (9% vs. 7%; p = 0.57) deficits were found between the two groups.
    • While vascular surgery in patients with pulseless pink SCHFs is associated with a more prompt restoration of radial artery pulsation, no statistical significant differences in terms of the restoration of neurological deficits or the risks of long-term neurological or circulatory deficits were found between patients with and without vascular surgery.