• To review current literature on treatment of closed femoral shaft fractures in children of 2-10 years old, with subgroup analysis of children aged 2-6 years, comparing intramedullary nailing (IMN) to conservative treatment modalities.
    • We included clinical trials and observational studies that compared traction and subsequent casting (TSC), spica casting and IMN for treatment of femur shaft fractures in children of 2-10 years of age. Subgroup analysis of children aged 2-6 years was performed.
    • Compared to treatment with immediate spica casting, IMN led to significantly less coronal angulation (mean difference (MD): 2.03 degrees, confidence interval (CI) 1.15-2.90), less sagittal angulation (MD: 1.59 degrees, CI 0.82-2.35) and lower rates of LLD (Risk difference (RD): 0.07, CI 0.03-0.11). In terms of rehabilitation, IMN leaded to shorter time until walking with aids (MD: 31.53 days, CI 16.02-47.03), shorter time until independent ambulation (MD: 26.59 days, CI 22.07, 31.11) and shorter time until full weight bearing (MD: 27.05 days, CI 6.11, 47,99). Compared to TSC, IMN led to a lower rate of malunion (RD: 0.31, CI 0.05-0.56), shorter hospital stays (MD: 12.48 days, CI 11.57, 13.39), time until walking with aids (MD: 54.55, CI 40.05-69.04) and full weight bearing (MD: 27.05 days [6.11, 47,99]).
    • Although a lack of quality evidence, this systematic review showed a clear tendency to treatment with elastic intramedullary nails of femoral shaft fractures in children of 2-10 years of age.