• Rupture of the distal tendon of the biceps is a pathology with an increasing incidence, which can cause important functional alterations. When the rupture is complete and the patient is active, surgical treatment is of choice.
    • 47-year-old man with sudden and intense pain in the left antecubital fossa while lifting weight. On examination, impotence for flexion and active supination of the left arm with loss of the biceps silhouette. Ultrasonography confirms the diagnosis of complete rupture of the distal biceps tendon. Surgical treatment was decided, performing a single anterior approach and reinserting the tendon in its radial footprint with the help of a cortical anchorage device.
    • At 12 months, the patient presented flexo-extension and complete prone supination, without encountering difficulties in carrying out the activities of his daily and work life, with a score of 100 points in the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS).
    • Rupture of the distal biceps is a typical injury in active patients with an increasing incidence. Although there have been no significant differences between the different repair options, in our experience the use of cortical anchorage devices with a single anterior approach provides very satisfactory results.