• Volar locking plates used for treating distal radius fractures can damage the flexor tendon. Fractures distal to the watershed line can be fixed using volar rim locking plates. The aim of our study was to report the incidence of flexor tendon lesions when using these plates. Our case series included 15 patients (7 women, 8 men), aged 59 years on average (23-88) who underwent distal radius fixation using a volar rim plate (Extradistale®, Newclip Technics™, Haute Goulaine, France). Eight patients had complications: seven cases of synovitis treated by synovectomy with a satisfactory final outcome, 10 cases of partial tendon ruptures treated by synovectomy and tendon repair in two cases, and five cases of complete rupture that were not repaired at the patient's requests. Our working hypothesis was not verified as we found flexor tendon complications in half our patients. When the fracture is distal to the watershed line, we recommend removing the plate after bone healing, never after the 3rd month postoperative.