• The practice of surgery is based on the technical capabilities of the surgeon (techne), their knowledge (episteme) and their capacity of judgment (phronesis). Surgeons face situations that call into question moral choices and face ethical difficulties in their daily practice. In fact, innovation is increasing, and as operations become more complex and the risks become greater, the tools necessary to approach an ethically challenging surgical case become more important. Surgical ethics can be distinguished from other medical ethics fields because of its unique characteristics and goals. Ethics lie at the core of professionalism: a proficient surgeon is considered to be not only competent to perform the art and science of surgery as traditionally understood, but also to be ethically and morally reliable. The principlism and the four-box model approaches to clinical ethics could serve as a guide to the surgical ethics discussion. There are five categories of experience and relationships that are especially important in surgery-rescue, proximity, ordeal, aftermath and presence. Ethical reasoning should help surgeons to gives answers to the questions: What should be done? Has the right decision in this situation been made? The following article is presented with the intent of encouraging thought and dialogue about ethical considerations relevant to the practice of surgery. For that reason, we will first define the scope of surgical ethics, then we will present the main ethical issues faced by surgeons and how surgeons deal with them. Finally, I will show the implications of the development of surgery ethics for patients, surgeons and society.