• Pediatric pelvic fractures are rare and differ from adults in etiology, fracture type, and associated injuries. They are observed in multitrauma patients, with severe associated injuries. Treatment of these children in specialized hospitals is likely to provide the best outcome because of the rarity of these fractures. Only a small percentage of the fractures, particularly the displaced ones, need operative treatment with the aim to restore the anatomy of the pelvic ring. In a significant proportion of the operated patients, morbidity and mortality were not linked to the pelvic fractures but to the other associated injuries. Long-term prognosis depends on restoring pelvic symmetry. Nondisplaced fractures of the acetabulum or fractures with minimal displacement with a relatively low roof-arc angle or crush injuries of the triradiate physis are managed nonoperatively. In young patients where continuation of growth is expected, fixation that does not cross the physis anatomically could be used. In some very young children, plate removal may be indicated to allow for continued growth of the acetabulum. One of the major complications in this patient cohort is acetabular dysplasia.