• Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis (AHO) has been noted mainly in open fractures injuring soft tissue immunological defenses and in immuneincompetent patients. Osteomyelitis complicating closed fractures in immunocompetent adult patients is, therefore, a rare clinical entity with scarce literature.
    • We report a case of primary Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection of a closed, humeral shaft fracture occurring in a previously healthy 28-year-old male patient. The patient was involved in a motorcycle accident and was admitted to the surgical ward with a chest drain. While hospitalized, a peak of fever was noted, but no source was found. Diagnosis of the closed fracture infection was noted on primary open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), and although the patient was treated with antibiotics, local osteomyelitis developed. Treatment including serial debridements utilizing gentamycin beads and an additional ORIF procedure until the full union was achieved. The patient regained full, painless, motion of the arm and shoulder.
    • Although AHO complicating a closed fracture in immunocompetent adults is very rare, it should not be overlooked, and special attention should be sought in such cases. Meticulous debridement and rigid fixation are utmost for the eradication of infection and fracture union. Patients presenting with such infections should, therefore, be followed closely and treated promptly.