• Background: Poland anomaly is a sporadic, phenotypically variable congenital condition usually characterized by unilateral pectoral muscle agenesis and ipsilateral hand deformity. Methods: A comprehensive review of the medical literature on Poland anomaly was performed using a Medline search. Results: Poland anomaly is a sporadic, phenotypically variable congenital condition usually characterized by unilateral, simple syndactyly with ipsilateral limb hypoplasia and pectoralis muscle agenesis. Operative management of syndactyly in Poland anomaly is determined by the severity of hand involvement and the resulting anatomical dysfunction. Syndactyly reconstruction is recommended in all but the mildest cases because most patients with Poland anomaly have notable brachydactyly, and digital separation can improve functional length. Conclusions: Improved understanding the etiology and presentation of Poland anomaly can improve clinician recognition and management of this rare congenital condition.