• Relationship between dorsal tilt of the distal radius and distal radioulnar joint stability was examined. Stiffness in dorsopalmar displacement of the radius (distal radioulnar joint stiffness) was recorded at 10° intervals until 30° of dorsal angulation from 10° of palmar tilt. Tests were repeated after partial sectioning of the radioulnar ligament, then after complete sectioning of the radioulnar ligament. All data were compared with control (intact triangular fibrocartilage complex, 10° of palmar tilt). The distal radioulnar joint stiffness in dorsal translation decreased significantly with dorsal tilt 10° and 20° in pronation. Partial sectioning of the radioulnar ligament indicated a decrease of the distal radioulnar joint stiffness in the dorsal translation at neutral tilt to 20° of dorsal tilt in the neutral position and in pronation. Distal radioulnar joint stiffness decreased significantly in both dorsal and palmar translations in all forearm positions at 10° and 20° of dorsal tilt. From these findings, the dorsal angulation of the radius should be corrected to less than 10° of dorsal tilt.