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Aug 28 - Aug 30, 2020

30th Annual Baltimore Limb Deformity Course

Virtual Conference

07.00AM - 09.00AM
Session 1: Introduction to Planning (Pre-Recorded)
07.00AM - 07.15AM
Introduction to the Virtual Baltimore Limb Deformity Course
07.15AM - 07.30AM
Introduction to Deformity Planning Concepts: The Apex/Axis Method - Mapping the ABCs
07.45AM - 08.00AM
Frontal Plane Measurements on Normal Bones (Workbook Frontal Cases NA 03, 04, and 05)
08.00AM - 08.15AM
09.00AM - 12.00PM
Session 2: Frontal Plane - Tibial and Femoral Planning (Pre-Recorded)
09.00AM - 09.30AM
ABCs of Deformity Correction: How to Approach Deformity Analysis and Osteotomy Planning
10.15AM - 10.30AM
10.30AM - 11.00AM
Tibia: Frontal Plane Double-level Deformities (Workbook Cases TDL 01–04)
11.00AM - 11.45AM
Femur: Frontal Plane Single-level Deformities (Workbook Cases FSL 01–04)
11.45AM - 12.00PM
Femur: Frontal Plane Double-level Deformities (Workbook Cases FDL 01 and 04)
12.00PM - 02.45PM
Session 3: Sagittal and Oblique Plane Deformities (Pre-Recorded)
12.00PM - 12.15PM
Introduction to Sagittal Plane Analysis: Is It Really That Much Different Than the Frontal Plane?
12.15PM - 12.30PM
Alphabet Soup of Limb Alignment: Sagittal Plane (Workbook Sagittal Case NA 02)
12.30PM - 12.45PM
Sagittal Plane: Normal Alignment (Workbook Sagittal Case NA 07)
12.45PM - 01.00PM
Sagittal Plane Deformities: Assessing Limb Alignment (Workbook Sagittal Cases ALA 01 and 02)
01.00PM - 01.15PM
Alternative Methods for Reconciling Sagittal Deformity: Tables, See-Saws, and Maybe a Shortcut Through the Woods
01.15PM - 01.45PM
Tibia: Sagittal Plane Deformities (Workbook Cases TSP 01 and 02)
01.45PM - 02.00PM
Femur: Sagittal Plane Deformities (Workbook Cases FSP 01 and 03)
02.00PM - 02.15PM
Introduction to the Oblique Plane
02.15PM - 02.45PM
Tibia: Oblique Plane Deformities (Workbook Cases TOP 02 and 04)
02.45PM - 04.15PM
Session 4: Foot and Ankle - Introduction to Planning (Pre-Recorded)
02.45PM - 03.00PM
03.00PM - 03.15PM
Alphabet Soup of Foot and Ankle Alignment: Frontal, Sagittal, and Transverse Planes
03.15PM - 03.45PM
Foot and Ankle: Frontal, Sagittal, and Transverse Plane Deformities (Workbook AP Ankle Case 01, Lateral Ankle Case 02, AP Forefoot Case 06, AP Midfoot Case 09A, Hindfoot Saltzman View Case 10)
04.00PM - 04.15PM
Bone Ninja Demonstration: Flexible Flatfoot (Midfoot Case 09A)
04.15PM - 04.45PM
Session 5: Pediatric Orthopedics (Pre-Recorded)
04.15PM - 04.30PM
Radiographic Assessment of Limb Length Discrepancy: Determining Total Limb Length Discrepancy
04.45PM - 11.30PM
Session 6: Sawbone and Surgical Video Labs: Deformity Planning and Correction Techniques (Pre-Recorded)
07.30PM - 07.45PM
09.45PM - 10.15PM
10.30PM - 10.45PM
10.45PM - 11.00PM
11.00PM - 11.15PM
11.15PM - 11.30PM
Femoral Retrograde Lengthening Nail Implantation
07.30AM - 11.15AM
Interactive Session 1
07.30AM - 07.45AM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
07.45AM - 08.15AM
Visit with Corporate Partners
08.15AM - 08.30AM
Login to Participant Questions and Case Presentation Sessions
08.30AM - 10.30AM
Participant Questions and Case Presentation Sessions
10.30AM - 10.45AM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
10.45AM - 11.15AM
Visit with Corporate Partners
11.15AM - 01.45PM
Session 7: Deformity Correction – Planning and Surgical Techniques (Pre-Recorded)
11.15AM - 11.30AM
Reverse Planning Method: Distal Femoral Lengthening with Deformity Correction
11.30AM - 11.45AM
11.45AM - 12.00PM
12.00PM - 12.15PM
Digital Osteotomies as a Tool in Patient Education
12.15PM - 12.30PM
Clinical Biomechanics of External Fixation
12.30PM - 12.45PM
New Concepts in Dynamization of Circular Frames
12.45PM - 01.00PM
High Tibial Osteotomy: Internal vs. External Fixation for Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis
01.00PM - 01.15PM
Fixator-assisted Locked Plating for Long Bone Deformity Correction
01.15PM - 01.45PM
01.45PM - 02.45PM
Session 8: Bone Defects (Pre-Recorded)
02.00PM - 02.15PM
Masquelet in the Pediatric Population: Review of the Literature and Case Example
02.15PM - 02.30PM
The Induced Membrane Technique: Clinical Evidence
02.30PM - 02.45PM
Limb Reconstruction Strategies for Tumor Defects
02.45PM - 05.45PM
Session 9: Foot and Ankle Surgical Techniques (Pre-Recorded)
02.45PM - 03.15PM
Equinus Deformity: Concepts, Clinical Assessment, and Treatment Options
03.15PM - 04.00PM
Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery
04.15PM - 04.30PM
Managing Complications in Charcot Foot Surgery
04.30PM - 05.00PM
Bone Loss Around the Ankle: Trauma and Failed Arthoplasty
05.00PM - 05.30PM
Charcot Foot Deformity: The Role of Gradual Correction
05.30PM - 05.45PM
Ankle Distraction Arthroplasty for Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis
05.30PM - 09.15PM
Interactive Session 2
05.30PM - 05.45PM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
05.45PM - 06.15PM
Visit with Corporate Partners
06.15PM - 06.30PM
Login to Participant Questions and Case Presentation Sessions
06.30PM - 08.30PM
Participant Questions and Case Presentation Sessions
08.30PM - 08.45PM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
08.45PM - 09.15PM
Visit with Corporate Partners
09.00AM - 01.45PM
Interactive Session 3
09.00AM - 09.15AM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
09.15AM - 09.45AM
Visit with Corporate Partners
09.45AM - 10.00AM
Login to Adult Orthopedics, Foot/Ankle, or Pediatric Orthopedics Case Presentation Session
10.00AM - 01.00PM
Interactive Participant Case Presentations
01.00PM - 01.15PM
Login to Corporate Partner Sessions
01.15PM - 01.45PM
Visit with Corporate Partners
10.00AM - 01.00PM
Interactive Session 3A: Adult Orthopedics Case Presentations
10.00AM - 01.00PM
Interactive Session 3B: Foot/Ankle Case Presentations
10.00AM - 10.15AM
Pearls on Charcot Surgery with Hexapod External Fixation
10.15AM - 01.00PM
Foot/Ankle Case Presentations Panel
10.00AM - 01.00PM
Interactive Session 3C: Pediatric Orthopedics Case Presentations
10.00AM - 10.15AM
Special Lecture
01.45PM - 04.30PM
Session 10: Pediatric Topics (Pre-Recorded)
01.45PM - 02.15PM
Blount Disease: A Case Based Approach
02.15PM - 02.45PM
Nuances in Pediatric Orthopedic Infections
02.45PM - 03.15PM
Congenital Femoral Deficiency: Lengthening with External Fixation
03.15PM - 03.45PM
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls for the Ganz Periacetabular Osteotomy
03.45PM - 04.15PM
Obstacles in Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Limb Reconstruction
04.15PM - 04.30PM
Treatment of Premature Growth Arrest
04.30PM - 06.30PM
Session 11: Special Topics (Pre-Recorded)
04.30PM - 05.00PM
Adversity and Resilience: 10 Years after Residency
05.15PM - 05.30PM
Strong Women: Adversity and Resilience Panel Discussion
05.30PM - 06.30PM
Self-Inflicted Wounds: Tales of Greed, Deceit, and Stupidity
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