• Patients with stable isolated injuries of the ankle syndesmosis can be treated conservatively, while unstable injuries require surgical stabilisation. Although evaluating syndesmotic injuries using ankle arthroscopy is becoming more popular, differentiating between stable and unstable syndesmoses remains a topic of on-going debate in the current literature. The purpose of this study was to quantify the degree of displacement of the ankle syndesmosis using arthroscopic measurements. The hypothesis was that ankle arthroscopy by measuring multiplanar fibular motion can determine syndesmotic instability.
    • Arthroscopic assessment of the ankle syndesmosis was performed on 22 fresh above knee cadaveric specimens, first with all syndesmotic and ankle ligaments intact and subsequently with sequential sectioning of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, the interosseous ligament, the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, and deltoid ligaments. In all scenarios, four loading conditions were considered under 100N of direct force: (1) unstressed, (2) a lateral hook test, (3) anterior to posterior (AP) translation test, and (4) posterior to anterior (PA) translation test. Anterior and posterior coronal plane tibiofibular translation, as well as AP and PA sagittal plane translation, were arthroscopically measured.
    • As additional ligaments of the syndesmosis were transected, all arthroscopic multiplanar translation measurements increased (p values ranging from p < 0.001 to p = 0.007). The following equation of multiplanar fibular motion relative to the tibia measured in millimeters: 0.76*AP sagittal translation + 0.82*PA sagittal translation + 1.17*anterior third coronal plane translation-0.20*posterior third coronal plane translation, referred to as the Arthroscopic Syndesmotic Assessment tool, was generated from our data. According to our results, an Arthroscopic Syndesmotic Assessment value equal or greater than 3.1 mm indicated an unstable syndesmosis.
    • This tool provides a more reliable opportunity in determining the presence of syndesmotic instability and can help providers decide whether syndesmosis injuries should be treated conservatively or operatively stabilized. The long-term usefulness of the tool will rest on whether an unstable syndesmosis correlates with acute or chronic clinical symptoms.