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Jun 23 - Jun 25, 2022

12th Annual Orthopaedic Trauma: Pushing The Envelope

Coronado, California



2000 2nd Street, Coronado, Coronado, California - 92118 United States


Attend Pushing The Envelope to discuss how we practice orthopaedic trauma surgery and earn up to 20 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits.

"The mission of Pushing The Envelope is to safely expand the limits of orthopaedic trauma care and the
surgeon practice experience to improve patient outcomes."

Conference Objectives:
1. Challenge outdated dogma in the practice of orthopaedics.
2. Explore emerging practice trends, surgical techniques, and promising technologies in orthopaedic trauma.
3. Discuss methods to achieve professional goals, optimize surgical practice, and integrate wellness.
4. Scrutinize surgical culture to improve the surgeon practice and life experience.
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Course chairs

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Trauma Specialty


Orthopaedic Trauma and Fracture Specialists

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Trauma Specialty


Orthopedic Trauma and Fracture Specialists


2000 2nd Street, Coronado, Coronado, California - 92118 United States

06.00PM - 09.00PM
Session I: Welcome to Pushing the Envelope
06.30AM - 07.00AM
Meditation - Sponsored by SurgeonMasters
07.00AM - 07.30AM
Registration and Coffee with Exhibitors
07.30AM - 09.30AM
Session II: Mythbusters - Uncovering the Truth
07.40AM - 08.00AM
08.00AM - 08.15AM
Cerclage Wiring Subtroch Femur Fractures
08.15AM - 08.25AM
08.25AM - 08.40AM
Routine Post-Op Follow-up and X-Rays
08.40AM - 09.00AM
NSAIDs are Contraindicated in Fracture Care
09.00AM - 09.20AM
09.20AM - 09.30AM
09.30AM - 10.00AM
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10.00AM - 10.30AM
Breakout Group Coaching - Deliberate Practice - What Needs to Change?
MOD: ,
12.00PM - 01.00PM
01.00PM - 01.50PM
Session III: Getting Out of Trouble - What to do When $#!+ Happens
MOD: ,
01.00PM - 01.10PM
What to Do When You Encounter the Axillary Artery
01.10PM - 01.25PM
What to Do When The Repair Starts Falling Apart
01.25PM - 01.40PM
What to Do When It’s Fixed in Varus
01.40PM - 01.50PM
"What to Do When $#!+ happens” Discussion
02.00PM - 03.15PM
Breakout Case-Based Discussion I
03.15PM - 03.45PM
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
03.45PM - 05.00PM
Breakout Case-Based Discussion II
03.45PM - 05.00PM
Bone Transport
03.45PM - 05.00PM
Custom 3D Printed Implants
03.45PM - 05.00PM
Fresh Osteochondral Allografts
06.30AM - 07.00AM
Meditation - Sponsored by SurgeonMasters
07.00AM - 07.30AM
Registration and Coffee with Exhibitors
07.30AM - 09.30AM
Session IV: Managing Combined Skeletal Injuries
07.30AM - 08.10AM
08.10AM - 08.50AM
Combined Injuries of the Tibia
08.50AM - 09.30AM
09.30AM - 10.00AM
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10.00AM - 12.00PM
Breakout Case-Based Discussions
10.00AM - 10.40AM
Combined Hindfoot Ankle Injuries
10.40AM - 11.20AM
Pelvic Fractures - New Technologies in Pelvic Fracture Stabilization
11.20AM - 12.00PM
Fully Polytrauma
12.00PM - 01.00PM
01.00PM - 01.30PM
Keynote Presentation
01.30PM - 03.00PM
Session V: Tips, Tricks, and Trade Secrets - How I Get Great Outcomes
01.30PM - 01.45PM
01.45PM - 02.00PM
02.00PM - 02.15PM
02.30PM - 02.45PM
02.45PM - 03.00PM
03.00PM - 03.30PM
Coffee Break
03.30PM - 04.00PM
Breakout Room Coaching Deliberate Practice - What is Your Plan
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