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Nov 14 - Nov 14, 2020

14th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis - 2020

Virtual Conference




I want to welcome you to something new, the 14th annual International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis in a virtual format! As we are all aware, the events of this year have been incredible. The effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic has been far-reaching and are continuously evolving. As the planning committee for the 2020 ICEOS has monitored the situation since last year’s meeting in Atlanta, we felt it was critically important to ensure this meeting take place in some form for a number of reasons. First, as the science and treatment of early onset scoliosis is so rapidly evolving, we felt a responsibility to provide this outlet for the exchange of scientific information about this condition we all treat – we need to ensure that all providers have access to the state of the art and our patients receive the best care available. Second, even if only in a virtual setting, we feel it is important to provide a forum for all providers caring for early onset scoliosis to come together, interact, and support one another.

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Course chairs

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Pediatrics Specialty


07.00AM - 07.15AM
Welcome and Program Description
07.00AM - 07.05AM
Program Content
07.05AM - 07.10AM
CME Credits
07.10AM - 07.15AM
Online Content
07.15AM - 07.25AM
2020 vICEOS and Future Meetings
07.15AM - 07.18AM
Thank you for attending
07.18AM - 07.21AM
Goals of Meetings
07.21AM - 07.25AM
Future Meeting Plans
07.25AM - 07.30AM
Robert M. Campbell Award
07.30AM - 07.45AM
9 Awards Papers
07.45AM - 08.15AM
Keynote Lecture
07.45AM - 08.15AM
How EOS Research Has Evolved Over the Last 15 Years: A Brief History of ICEOS
08.15AM - 08.50AM
"Practice Changing" - What is the Best Treatment for Older Children with Early Onset Scoliosis
08.15AM - 08.25AM
In Defense of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods
08.25AM - 08.35AM
In Defense of Vertebral Body Tethering
08.35AM - 08.45AM
In Defense of Spinal Fusion
08.45AM - 08.50AM
08.50AM - 08.55AM
Behrooz Akbarnia Award Presentation
08.55AM - 09.00AM
2020 ICEOS Wrap-Up and 2021 Preview
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