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Practice contact
(714) 456-7414
(714) 456-7702
333 City Dr West
#2150, ZOT 1350-01
Orange California 92868
Zeev Kain MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon - General Specialty
Primary Practice: Center on Stress and Health
Primary Hospital: University of California Irvine Medical Center

Practice Contact

Office Address
333 City Dr West
#2150, ZOT 1350-01
Orange California 92868
(714) 456-7414
(714) 456-7702


Zeev N. Kain, MD, MBA is recognized as an international expert in the clinical management of perioperative fear and anxiety, and management of children undergoing invasive medical procedures. His research addresses major dilemmas encountered in the management of affected children. To date, Dr. Kain has revolutionized the care of children in preoperative settings both in the United States and around the globe. In fact, Dr. Kain’s research triggered a change in the manner in which children are treated during invasive medical procedures and during the perioperative period. As a direct result of Dr. Kain’s research, significantly fewer children in the U.S. and around the globe are taken into the operating rooms and sedation suites, awake, alone and screaming and crying. Dr. Kain achieved this by demonstrating that extreme anxiety and fear in children undergoing surgery and invasive procedures is associated with poor clinical and psychological outcomes of these children and thus should not be allowed. Dr. Kain leads a team of researchers at the Center on Stress & Health, where they are dedicated to investigating multi-disciplinary approaches to managing pain and anxiety in a wide range of medical settings and situations. The team focuses on assisting children and families manage pain, anxiety and stress surrounding the medical environment and disease burden. By promoting the conceptual importance of this field and continuing to develop associated empirical findings, Dr. Kain intends to markedly improve the quality of evidence available to anesthesiologists, pediatricians and surgeons making clinical decisions regarding management of children’s distress and pain during the perioperative period.
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Primary Practice

Primary practice
Center on Stress and Health

Hospital Affiliations

hospital logo
University of California Irvine Medical Center

Education & Training

Yale University School of Medicine
Schneider Children’s Hospital/Long Island Jewish M
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel