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Review Question - QID 4800

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QID 4800 (Type "4800" in App Search)
The right shoulder exercise seen in Figure A will put the LEAST amount of stretch on which structure?
  • A

Inferior glenohumeral ligament



Coracohumeral ligament



Anterior-superior capsule



Superior glenohumeral ligament



Posterior capsule



  • A

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Shoulder wand exercises, as shown in Figure A, are used to increase external range of motion of the shoulder. With the arm adducted and the elbow flexed, this exercise will put the LEAST amount of stretch on the posterior capsule.

External rotation shoulder wand exercises are commonly used for the treatment of adhesive capsulitis. Adhesive capsulitis is most commonly caused by contracture of the rotator interval. The rotator interval includes the anterior-superior capsule, superior glenohumeral ligament, coracohumeral ligament and long head biceps tendon. The structure most commonly contracted is the anterior-superior capsule, which limits external rotation when the arm is adducted.

Kuhn et al. showed that in the neutral position, each ligament except the posterior capsule significantly affected the torque required for external rotation. The greatest effect on resisting external rotation at 0 degrees of abduction was the entire inferior glenohumeral ligament > coracohumeral ligament > anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament > superior and middle glenohumeral ligament.

Harryman et al. looked at the role of the rotator interval capsule in passive motion and stability of the shoulder. They found operative alteration of this capsular interval was found to affect flexion, extension, external rotation, and adduction of the humerus with respect to the scapula. Limitation of external motion was increased by operative imbrication of the rotator interval and decreased by sectioning of the rotator interval capsule.

Kim et al. reviewed shoulder MRIs to determine if abnormalities of the rotator interval were correlated with chronic shoulder instability. They found a significantly larger rotator interval height, rotator interval area, and rotator interval index in patients with chronic anterior shoulder instability compared to patients without instability.

Figure A shows a patient performing an exercise to increase right shoulder external rotation with a wand/stick. The right arm is fully adducted by her side, and her elbow flexed at 90 degrees.

Incorrect Answers:
Answers 1,2,3,4: These structures are all the static stabilizers of the shoulder. Each will be subjected to a significant degree of stretch when the arm is externally rotated.

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