I very deeply appreciate the honour you have
paid me by your invitation to deliver the Windermere
Lecture. My sabbatical year of absence from the
University of Colorado is just now coming to an
end, and it is a splendid opportunity for me to
thank all members of this Society who have helped
me in my efforts during this year.
I coined the term 'The Battered Child Syndrome',
in 1962, despite its provocative and anger-producing
nature. I had for the preceding 10 years talked
about child abuse, non-accidental, or inflicted
injury, but few paid attention. At a gathering very
much like this in 1962, describing in some detail the
physical findings, both subtle and severe, of the
battered child and at the same time beginning to
point out some of the dynamics involved in child
abuse, there did result a degree of public attention
and, I might add, physician attention, which had
previously not been possible.