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Oct 27 - Oct 28, 2023

2023 Total Ankle Replacement Summit

Tampa, FL



4115 W Spruce St, Tampa, FL 33607


FORE, the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education, introduces an educational opportunity exclusively designed for orthopaedic surgeons who treat foot and ankle disorders, the Total Ankle Replacement Summit.

This exciting new CME course will be held on October 27-28, 2023, at FIVE Labs Tampa in Tampa, Florida.

The expert faculty will share their clinical insights on techniques for performing total ankle replacement, including soft tissue releases and deformity correction. Through didactic lectures, case-based presentations, and panel discussions, they will cover a variety of essential topics related to:

Primary total ankle replacement, including varus and valgus correction, minimal implant versus stemmed prosthesis, and pros and cons of PSI and AI software
Revision total ankle replacement, including evaluating the painful total ankle replacement, early versus late complications, and postoperative infection management
Two bioskills labs will combine surgical demonstrations and hands-on training in primary and revision total ankle replacement.

In addition, ample time has been allotted during each session to provide attendees an opportunity to ask the faculty questions. So, be sure to come to the meeting with the questions you need answered to help enhance your practice!

Please note that this course is open only to physicians with an MD or DO degree.

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Course chairs

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Foot & Ankle Specialty


Florida Orthopaedic Institute

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Foot & Ankle Specialty


Florida Orthopaedic Institute

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Trauma Specialty


Florida Orthopaedic Institution


4115 W Spruce St, Tampa, FL 33607

11.00AM - 12.00PM
12.00PM - 12.05PM
Welcome & Housekeeping
Session Files
12.05PM - 03.55PM
History, Indications, Soft Tissue Issues, Primary Replacement
12.05PM - 12.15PM
History of Total Ankle Replacements
12.15PM - 12.25PM
Radiology of Ankle and Hindfoot Arthritis
12.25PM - 12.40PM
12.55PM - 01.10PM
01.25PM - 01.35PM
01.35PM - 01.50PM
Break with Exhibitors
01.50PM - 02.05PM
To Stage or Not To Stage (including Tibial axis mal alignment and ankle arthritis)
02.35PM - 02.50PM
Addressing the Underlying Hindfoot Issues
03.20PM - 03.40PM
03.40PM - 03.55PM
Break with Exhibitors & Transition to Lab
03.55PM - 06.25PM
Bioskills Lab: Primary Total Ankle Replacement
Faculty Dinner
06.30AM - 07.00AM
Breakfast with Exhibitors
07.00AM - 07.05AM
Welcome & Housekeeping
10.30AM - 10.45AM
Break with Exhibitors & Transition to Lab
10.45AM - 01.15PM
Bioskills Lab: Primary Total Ankle Replacement
01.45PM - 02.45PM
Tips and Tricks from the Faculty
Review of the Day and Audience Q&A
02.30PM - 02.45PM
Break with Exhibitors
02.45PM - 04.25PM
Case Presentation and Discussion
Closing Remarks
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