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Review Question - QID 213933

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QID 213933 (Type "213933" in App Search)
A 73-year-old male sustains a ground-level fall onto his left side when he trips on his cat. The patient had immediate hip pain and inability to bear weight on the left side and is brought to the ER via EMS, where you are consulted. He has a history of a total hip arthroplasty on the same side. His baseline function is community ambulator with an assistive device. He did not have any antecedent hip pain. Laboratory studies were obtained which demonstrate a serum white blood cell of 9.0 (normal 4.5-10), CRP of 0.3 mg/L (normal <1.0 mg/L), and ESR of 21 mm/hr (normal 0-25 mm/hr). Figure A is an x-ray obtained in the ER. What is the most appropriate treatment?
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