• As the scope of plastic surgical practice expands to include disorders of the carpus and wrist, it has become increasingly important for plastic surgeons to understand pathoanatomy that has not traditionally been considered an integral component of training. The Essex-Lopresti injury consists of a radial head fracture with associated injury to the forearm interosseus membrane and longitudinal instability of the distal radioulnar joint. Early recognition of this disorder usually results in a predictable and satisfactory outcome. However, when this disorder is unrecognized, late reconstruction is challenging and unpredictable, and treatment may be misdirected to the wrist alone if the forearm and elbow are not considered as a component of this injury. The present report describes the importance of examining the elbow in all cases of wrist pain. As well, the literature is reviewed regarding the differences in treatment of acute and chronic Essex-Lopresti injuries. As plastic surgeons become more involved in the treatment of wrist injuries, the conscientious practitioner should be aware of more complicated pathology that may present as a seemingly straightforward wrist problem.