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Mar 21 - Mar 23, 2024

8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value-Based Care

Las Vegas, NV



3960 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119


In its 8th year, OVBC is a landmark event that united physicians, executives, decision makers, and innovators across the orthopedic spectrum, 2024 will once again push boundaries and drive ROI opportunities for you and your organization.

OVBC 2024 is all about experiences that focus on your goals. Whether it's about staying ahead of emerging trends, connecting with leaders in the industry and your colleagues, meeting people and organizations who can accelerate your practice, or all of the above— OVBC 2024 will deliver an experience that is tailored just for you.

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Course chairs

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Spine Specialty


Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at Jefferson

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Trauma Specialty


Geisinger Medical Center - Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Hand Specialty


Creighton University School of Medicine



Center on Stress and Health


3960 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119

01.00PM - 04.00PM
Powering Profitability in Orthopedics
01.00PM - 01.40PM
Managed Care Contracting to Maximize Profitability of Your Orthopedic Group
01.40PM - 02.20PM
Complex Orthopedic Coding Challenges: Boost compliance (and get paid what you’re owed)
02.20PM - 02.40PM
02.40PM - 03.20PM
Denials Management for High Acuity Orthopedic Specialties
03.20PM - 04.00PM
Reporting, Analytics, & Increasing Your Equity Value
06.45AM - 07.45AM
Breakfast: Industry Symposium
07.50AM - 08.00AM
Opening Remarks
08.00AM - 08.30AM
The Future of Healthcare
08.30AM - 09.00AM
Health Transformation That Improves the Lives of Patients and Physicians
09.00AM - 09.30AM
Where value-based care is headed in orthopedics and spine
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09.30AM - 10.00AM
Leveraging AI technology in the MSK and Anesthesia Space
10.00AM - 10.30AM
10.30AM - 02.00PM
Reimagine Musculoskeletal Care Musculoskeletal Care
10.30AM - 10.50AM
NO’pioids: The era of Opioid-free MSK care
10.50AM - 11.10AM
Osteoarthritis Gene Therapy
11.10AM - 11.30AM
The No Pain Act 2023
11.30AM - 12.00PM
Creating a Patient-Centered Clinical Experience (Panel)
12.00PM - 01.00PM
LUNCH non-CME Lecture
01.00PM - 01.30PM
Go-it-Alone: Hospital Partnerships and Aggregation
01.30PM - 02.00PM
How orthopedic practices can engage payors to develop value-driven contracts
02.00PM - 03.10PM
Orthopedic Specialty Societies and OVBC
MOD: ,
02.00PM - 02.20PM
AAES and OVBC Panel: What is the Future of VBC?
02.20PM - 02.40PM
AAHKS and OVBC Panel: What is the Future of VBC?
02.40PM - 03.10PM
03.10PM - 05.10PM
Optimization and ERAS for the Orthopedic Patient
03.10PM - 03.30PM
Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Preoperative Screening and Testing
03.35PM - 03.55PM
Nerve Blocks for Knee Replacements and Hip Fractures
04.00PM - 04.20PM
Evidence-Based Perioperative Management of the Patient Undergoing High Risk Surgery
04.25PM - 04.45PM
Preoperative Optimization of Patients with Complex Diseases
04.50PM - 05.10PM
Elimination of First Dose of Opioids—What Does It Mean?
03.10PM - 05.10PM
Orthopedic Value Based Payment I
03.10PM - 03.30PM
The Maryland Cost of Care Initiate (EQIP):A roadmap for the US?
03.35PM - 03.55PM
Investing in the new era of Orthobiologics
04.00PM - 04.20PM
Building ancillary services in your practice
04.25PM - 04.45PM
The colonization of Massachusetts by MGB
04.50PM - 05.10PM
How to avoid surgery in your practice and make more money
03.10PM - 05.10PM
Orthopedic Value Case Studies
03.10PM - 03.30PM
OrthoCarolina Value Based Care: A Decade Long Evolution From Volume to Value
03.35PM - 03.55PM
Implementing a Musculoskeletal Integrated Practice Unit (IPU) Within an Orthopedic Surgery Department: Our Experience and Lessons Learned
04.00PM - 04.20PM
Cross-Continuum Orthopedic Surgical Optimization
04.25PM - 04.45PM
Strategies for Opiate Minimization for Total Joints
04.50PM - 05.10PM
Care excellence and value-based care are not oxymorons. Front-line reporting on the implementation of Cedar-Sinai Orthopedic Superbundles initiatives
05.10PM - 06.10PM
Wine and Hors d'oeuvres Reception: Las Vegas style
06.45AM - 07.45AM
Breakfast: Industry Symposium
08.00AM - 09.35AM
A Primer on Creating a MSK Bundle
08.00AM - 08.20AM
Basics of Orthopedic Commerical and Government Bundeling
08.25AM - 08.45AM
How to prepare your ASC for Alternative Payment Models
08.50AM - 09.10AM
How to measure and manage performance for an at-risk arrangement
09.15AM - 09.35AM
Role of Orthopedic surgons in Bundle payment?
08.00AM - 09.35AM
Operational Considerations
08.00AM - 08.20AM
The Financial Impact of Managed Care Contracting in Orthopedics
08.25AM - 08.45AM
08.50AM - 09.10AM
Lets opimize this joint
09.15AM - 09.35AM
08.00AM - 09.35AM
Orthopedic Value Based Payment II
08.00AM - 08.20AM
08.25AM - 08.45AM
How vbc can worsen or improve health disparities and inequities: A case study
08.50AM - 09.10AM
Physician Burnout in Orthopedics: 2024 Update
09.15AM - 09.35AM
What does value mean in Sports medicine
09.35AM - 10.00AM
10.00AM - 10.30AM
The AAOS Perspective: CMS and Alternative Payment Models
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10.30AM - 11.00AM
VBC Expectation & Alligment: Payers-Orthopedic Surgery-Anesthesiology-Adminstration
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11.00AM - 11.30AM
11.30AM - 12.00PM
Challenges, opportunities and obstacles to finding pathways in VBC that are symbiotic with the successes that healthcare systems
12.00PM - 01.00PM
01.00PM - 01.30PM
How payers are looking at bending the cost curve in MSK care while maximizing quality and patient satisfaction
01.30PM - 02.00PM
Risk bearing entities such as ACOs, PCP groups that take full MA risk think about specialty care
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02.00PM - 02.30PM
Can Patients Distinguish Volume From Value in Healthcare?
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02.30PM - 03.00PM
Ortho Leader's Paradox: Can fee for service and value exist at the same time?
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