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27 Total Attendees
ISTA is announcing an exciting new Spring event, Emerging Technologies in Arthroplasty™ (ETA). This event will be held on Saturday May 15, 2021 and will focus on technology that has left the research labs and started its translational journey to clinical practice.
ISTA ETA will include presentations from clinicians, industry, researchers and engineers who have created or enabled technology relating to orthopaedic surgery that is in the process of being translated or has started to change practice. An award will be presented for the best ISTA ETA abstract presentation.
In addition to submitted papers, the ISTA ETA event will include keynote speakers from leaders in the field who have good and bad experience bringing new technology to market. Delegates will get to learn from their experience and learn how to:
Overcome regulatory challenges
Find financing for new ventures
Deal with the inevitable setbacks that accompany translation of technology from the bench to the bedside.
In addition, selected companies will present their recent technologies.
Orthopaedic Surgeon - Shoulder & Elbow Specialty
Atlantis Orthopaedics - HCA Florida