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Nov 11 - Nov 12, 2022

HSS Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: An Interactive Training Course 2022

New York, NY



Bohemian National Hall 321 E 73rd Street New York, NY 10021


Learn how to use ultrasound as an effective and non-invasive modality to assess, diagnose, and provide therapy for various musculoskeletal conditions of the upper and lower extremities. The course will cover basic concepts of diagnostic musculoskeletal sonography and progress to assessment of pathology on sonographic images. Join us for our injection clinic to uncover the full complement of musculoskeletal procedures and interventions that can be performed under ultrasound guidance.

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Bohemian National Hall 321 E 73rd Street New York, NY 10021

07.30AM - 08.00AM
Breakfast & Registration
08.00AM - 08.05AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
08.05AM - 08.35AM
Lecture and Demo: Shoulder
08.35AM - 09.35AM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Shoulder
09.35AM - 10.05AM
Lecture and Demo: Elbow
10.05AM - 10.45AM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Elbow
10.45AM - 11.00AM
11.00AM - 11.20AM
Lecture and Demo: Hand and Wrist
11.20AM - 12.20PM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Hand and Wrist Upper Extremity Wrap-Up
12.20PM - 01.05PM
01.05PM - 01.35PM
Lecture and Demo: Hip
01.35PM - 02.15PM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Hip
02.15PM - 02.35PM
Lecture and Demo: Knee
02.35PM - 03.00PM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Knee
03.00PM - 03.30PM
03.30PM - 03.50PM
Lecture and Demo: Foot and Ankle
03.50PM - 05.00PM
Hands-On Ultrasound: Foot and Ankle Lower Extremity Wrap-Up
05.00PM - 05.00PM
Day 1 Adjourn
08.00AM - 08.30AM
Registration & Breakfast
08.30AM - 08.35AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
08.35AM - 08.55AM
Upper Extremity Injections Lecture
08.55AM - 09.10AM
Pelvis Injections Lecture
09.10AM - 09.25AM
Knee Injections Lecture
09.25AM - 09.40AM
Foot and Ankle Injections Lecture
09.40AM - 09.55AM
09.55AM - 01.30PM
Hands-On Ultrasound and Cadaver Learning Stations: Upper Extremity, Pelvis, Knee, Foot, and Ankle
01.30PM - 01.30PM
Day 2 Adjourn
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