• Nine children with congenital bladder exstrophy treated without pelvic osteotomy were analyzed clinically and radiologically at a mean age of 13 years (range 9-16 years). The acetabular and femoral version angles were measured by computed tomography (CT) imaging. Two of the children had a slight waddling gait, but none of them had any pain and they could participate in sports without problems. They had a normal range of hip movements and a normal foot progression angle. The acetabulum was retroverted by an average of 5 degrees, but was balanced by an increased anteversion of the femur which on the average was 10 degrees-20 degrees higher than normal. The femoral head in all hips was spherical, and no hip showed dysplasia. In bladder exstrophy, retroversion of the acetabulum was balanced by an increased anteversion of the femur, resulting in a normal range of hip movements and a normal gait in later childhood.