• Static, axial, and rotational deformities of the lower extremities are very frequent in children and often a reason for clinic visits. It is important to make a difference between physiological, usually spontaneously healing conditions, and real pathology. Flatfeet and less frequently cavus feet are the main foot problems. Special attention should be paid to the cavovarus foot that often has an underlying neurological disorder. Localized foot pain has usually a very specific cause and needs further investigation. Genua valga and genua vara are typical for a given age group and correct usually spontaneously. Toeing in and toeing out are mainly cosmetic problems and can be caused by tibial or femoral rotation, very rarely by a foot deformity. Leg length discrepancy is also frequent and in most patients limited to less than 2 cm, causing no further problems. Follow-up is, however, needed because of possible increasing discrepancy during growth.