• We present the results of intramedullary rodding of long bones of the lower limbs in children with osteogenesis imperfecta using a modified Sofield-Millar operation. Fourteen patients (mean age at primary operation was 5 years 11 months) were treated with a modified Sofield-Millar operation which allows minimal bone exposure, preservation of the periosteum and keeping the number of osteotomies to the minimum. Union was achieved in all cases within 7 weeks. Of the 14 patients (29 bones) treated with nonelongating rods, rod revisions were needed in 13 patients (26 bones). We found no statistically significant difference between the width of the bone immediately postoperatively and at the final follow-up. The walking ability was improved in four patients. Advantages of less invasive surgery in osteogenesis imperfecta are rapid bone union, no bone atrophy or nonunion, better postoperative mobility and small scars.