• Complex fracture dislocations of the wrist often result in post-traumatic arthrosis. In these cases, patients can experience severe pain and loss of function of the wrist and as a result many of them end up having a total arthrodesis. In trying to avoid the disadvantages of a total arthrodesis, alternative treatment strategies have been investigated, amongst which proximal row carpectomy (PRC). Basic conditions for a good outcome of PRC are an intact cartilage of the lunate fossa of the distal radius and an intact surface of the head of the capitate for the new radiocapitate joint (, schematic drawing post-PRC). Also, an intact (volar) radioscaphocapitate (RSC) ligament is necessary because it plays an essential role in stabilizing the new joint and preventing volar dislocation and ulnar translocation of the distal carpal row. Acute post-traumatic PRC can be indicated, but is rarely reported in literature. In this article, we present four patients whom we have treated with early PRC after severe trauma of the wrist. Three patients had a good outcome. In the patient with the bad outcome, the before-mentioned prerequisites were not met, which is discussed.