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Forearm Compartment Release - Fasciotomy

Preoperative Patient Care
Operative Techniques

Preoperative Plan


Execute surgical walkthrough

  • describe key steps of the procedure to the attending verbally prior to the start of the case
  • describe potential complications and the steps to avoid them

Room Preparation


Surgical instrumentation

  • curved mayo scissors


Room setup and equipment

  • standard OR table
  • hand table


Patient positioning

  • patient supine

Ulnar Volar Incision


Mark and make the incision

  • make a straight line incision over the first third of the ulnar aspect of the volar forearm
  • start the incision just proximal to the wrist crease and extend the incision to just distal to the ulnar aspect of the elbow flexion crease


Identify the volar compartment

  • carry the incision down through the fascia into the volar compartment

Deep Dissection


Open the fascia

  • open the fascia along the length of the compartment


Examine the soft tissues

  • examine the deep and the superficial muscles

Radial Incision


Mark and make the second volar incision

  • make a second incision starting with a middorsal straight line incision that begins 3 to 4 cm proximal to the wrist crease


Extend the incision

  • extend the incision down to the radial aspect of the flexion crease

Fascial Release


Release the compartments

  • release the mobile wad and dorsal compartment


Incise the fascia

  • incise the fascia for both compartments over the entire length of the incision
  • examine the muscles in both compartments
  • after release of the fascia, the muscles should bulge out of the incision
  • do not debride any muscle during this procedure
  • some muscles with questionable viability may recover after the fascial release

Wound Management


Pack the wounds

  • pack the wounds with moist dressing until the second look procedure

2nd Look Procedure


Debride necrotic tissue

  • aggressively debride any necrotic tissue with a no. 10 blade in a tangential manner until bleeding tissue is seen


Cover the wounds

  • place moist dressings over large wounds with exposed deep structures of neurovascular structures until coverage can be performed
  • if coverage is not needed, perform moist dressing changes for the next 7 to 14 days once the edema subsides, perform primary closure or skin grafting as needed
Postoperative Patient Care
Private Note

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