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Cervical Myelopathy
Posted: Sep 28 2011 #(C1065)

Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy


The patient is a 48-year-old gentleman who presents with progressive gait instability and dexterity problems with his hands. He also reports numbness/tingling in his b/l upper extremities. He reports at times he holds his hand out against the wall because he feels unsteady on his feet. He reports he frequently drops object. He also reports a decreased ability to hold his bladder for long periods of time, and says when he needs to urinate he needs to rush to the bathroom.


He had a prior lumbar fusion by myself for L3-4 degenertive spondylolithesis with symptoms of neurogenic claudication. He did well with surgery. He smokes 1/2 pack per day.


Diffuse weakness of 4/5 in his upper extremities, most notable to finger abduction. He has a positive Hoffman sign bilaterally and a positive grip/release test. He has 2+ biceps reflexes. He lower extremity exam is unremarkable. His gait exam shows some difficult walking toe-to-heel

1 of 1
1. Would you proceed with a posterior cervical decompression to augment his anterior decompression?
Yes, proceed with posterior cervical laminectomy and fusion.
No, his symptoms are improving, continue to watch him clinically.
PROCEDURE #1 DOP: 7/22/2011

C5 corpectomy with fusion from C4 to C6

Post-procedure P1
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