• Negative-pressure dressings (NPDs) have been reported to improve split-thickness skin graft survival in some settings; we assessed whether NPDs could improve skin graft results in radial forearm donor sites.
    • Between October 2003 and November 2004, 45 radial forearm donor sites underwent split-thickness skin graft immobilization either with conventional bolster dressing and splint or with an NPD. Split-thickness skin graft take was recorded at 1 and 4 weeks postoperatively.
    • Overall split-thickness skin graft healing was improved in the NPD group (92%) compared with the case of conventional splinting (81%) at 4 weeks (P = .10). The rate of major graft loss was less in NPDs (10%) compared with the case of conventional management (28%) after 4 weeks (P = .06).
    • Split-thickness skin graft survival was significantly improved by the use of NPDs. Because the use of NPDs is expensive, we consider their use only in patients with potential wound-healing problems, when there is a need to monitor the hand, or when immediate postoperative hand immobilization might impede the patient's recovery.