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Jan 29 - Jan 31, 2025

British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

Brighton, United Kingdom

08.00AM - 08.40AM
08.40AM - 08.50AM
08.50AM - 10.45AM
Instructional 1 – Hindfoot Megaday: Total ankle replacement, osteotomies & filling bone voids
08.50AM - 09.00AM
The mechanics of hindfoot deformity and ankle arthrosis
09.00AM - 09.10AM
09.10AM - 09.20AM
Primary TAR with valgus deformity
09.20AM - 09.30AM
Primary TAR with tibial & talar bone voids
09.30AM - 09.40AM
Conversion of supramalleolar osteotomy to TAR
09.40AM - 09.50AM
Supramalleolar osteotomy in the valgus ankle
09.50AM - 10.05AM
Questions and Discussion
10.05AM - 10.30AM
Keynote Lecture 1: Getting creative with additive manufacturing
10.30AM - 10.45AM
Historical Papers: Historical Papers
10.45AM - 11.15AM
Coffee/Tea - Hall (Exhibition area)
11.15AM - 12.15PM
Instructional 2 - Get it right second time: Revising the failed TAR
11.15AM - 11.25AM
Revision TAR with talus preservation: redo primary TAR
11.25AM - 11.35AM
Revision TAR with talus preservation: revision prosthesis
11.35AM - 11.45AM
Revision TAR with talus sacrifice
11.45AM - 11.55AM
Failed TAR with bone loss and infection
11.55AM - 12.05PM
How I convert a TAR to fusion
12.05PM - 12.15PM
Questions and Discussion
12.20PM - 01.05PM
Free Papers 1
01.05PM - 02.05PM
Lunch - Hall (Exhibition area)
02.05PM - 03.15PM
Instructional 3 – Additive manufacturing and addressing hindfoot bone voids
02.05PM - 02.15PM
Benign bone tumours talus
02.15PM - 02.25PM
02.25PM - 02.35PM
02.35PM - 02.45PM
Use of 3-D printed bone scaffold in hindfoot defects
02.45PM - 02.55PM
The evolution of fusion cage design
02.55PM - 03.05PM
TTR: 20/20 foresight
03.05PM - 03.15PM
03.15PM - 03.45PM
Coffee/Tea - Hall (Exhibition area)
03.45PM - 04.05PM
Keynote Lecture 2 A brief history of BOFAS time
04.05PM - 04.30PM
Keynote Lecture 3 Dealing with lower limb bone voids after trauma
04.30PM - 05.45PM
Instructional 4 – My hindfoot tips and tricks for GIRFT
04.30PM - 04.40PM
Cavo-varus reconstruction – how I do it
04.40PM - 04.50PM
Getting creative with the Internal Brace
04.50PM - 05.00PM
05.00PM - 05.10PM
05.10PM - 05.20PM
My approach to post-traumatic hindfoot deformity
05.20PM - 05.30PM
My tips and tricks for fixing ankle fractures in the elderly
05.30PM - 05.45PM
Questions and Discussion
06.00PM - 07.00PM
Poster viewing and Presidential Walk Around
08.30AM - 12.00PM
Session 4 Industry Workshops
Industry Workshops
09.00AM - 12.00PM
Session 2 AHP Session 1
AHP Meeting
09.00AM - 10.30AM
Session 3 Registrars/Fellows Session – F&A Research for the next generation
Registrar/Fellows Research session
09.30AM - 10.10AM
BOFAS Olympics -The Modern Pentathlon of F&A Cases
10.30AM - 11.00AM
11.00AM - 11.30AM
Historical Papers
11.00AM - 11.15AM
“Total ankle replacement. The results in 200 ankles” 2003
11.15AM - 11.30AM
“Five years of ankle fractures grouped by instability” 2005
11.30AM - 12.00PM
Working with Industry
11.30AM - 11.40AM
How should a surgeon approach working with industry?
11.40AM - 11.50AM
Product development: what have I learned?
11.50AM - 12.00PM
Industry funded studies
12.00PM - 01.00PM
12.45PM - 02.50PM
Session 5
AGM - Full members only
02.00PM - 03.45PM
Session 6 AHP Session 2
AHP Meeting
02.00PM - 03.45PM
Session 7 Registrars/Fellows Session – Educational Topic
Registrar/Fellows session
03.50PM - 04.45PM
04.25PM - 04.45PM
Maud Forrester-Brown Lecture
A journey treating calcaneal fractures
04.45PM - 06.00PM
Free Papers 2
Chairs Sci comm
06.00PM - 06.20PM
Keynote Lecture 5
Equality, diversity, maintaining a safe working environment
06.20PM - 06.40PM
Keynote Lecture 6
A year working in Africa & Philippines
06.40PM - 07.30PM
BOFAS 50 Years
06.50PM - 07.00PM
What will be learn in the next 50 years?
07.00PM - 07.10PM
How to get a paper published in the BJJ
07.10PM - 07.30PM
The future of Foot & Ankle Surgery in the USA
08.30PM - 11.00PM
Gala Dinner, Brighton Corn Exchange
09.00AM - 10.15AM
Free Papers 3
10.15AM - 11.25AM
Instructional 5 Forefoot Surgery update - MIS
10.15AM - 10.25AM
Key MIS anatomy
10.25AM - 10.35AM
10.35AM - 10.45AM
10.55AM - 11.05AM
Lesser toe surgery
11.05AM - 11.15AM
Can you train the juniors in MIS techniques?
11.15AM - 11.25AM
Questions and discussion
11.30AM - 12.00PM
Brunch/Coffee/Tea - Hall
12.00PM - 12.50PM
How I do it/Why do I do it this way?…
12.50PM - 01.35PM
Historical Papers
12.50PM - 01.05PM
“Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis” 2005
01.05PM - 01.20PM
“The structure and function of the foot in relation to injury” 2005
01.20PM - 01.35PM
“The first tarsometatarsal joint and its association with hallux valgus” 2012
01.35PM - 02.00PM
Presidential Handover
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